
Welcome to NameAI

  • What is NameAI?

    NameAI is a free people search engine which images and contact information for any person on the web.

  • How Do I Use NameAI?

    Just type the first and last name of the person you're searching for and click search. It's as easy as that!

  • Is NameAI Really Free?

    Yes, NameAI is really free! We do not charge anything for you to make background checks using our database!

  • How Do You Get This Data?

    We have a public database (which is all of the information you see on this site) which we compile through our complex network of intelligent internet parsers and crawlers. Our private network incorporates even more sources, including FBI grade information databases!

  • I Want My Contact Information Removed!

    We'd be happy to do this. Simply go to the "Contact Us" page and send us an email verifying who you are and we'll try unlist your information as soon as possible.


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